Work out at home with Sofia
Have you ever heard of Gluteus Maximus? It sounds like a roman emperor, doesn’t it? Well, it is actually the name of our biggest muscle, the gluteal muscle or commonly referred to as your butt. Our most important muscle that gets a lot of attention right know because it is very trendy to have a buttock with a lot of “put”. However, there are so many more important reasons to why you should exercise your buttocks.
Did you for example know that a strong buttock helps to prevent back pain? A strong gluteal muscle will protect your spin from shocks when you walk, run and jump. A strong buttock will also give you a better posture, since the gluteal muscle holds your pelvis and therefore gives you a nice straight posture.
Your buttock is also the body part that together with your abdominal muscles that serves many important functions in movement. A weak butt makes your hip flexors and hamstrings stiff and tense which increases the risk for both back and knee problems. To keep you gluteal muscle from becoming dysfunctional I have put together some exercises you can do at home without using any weights.
Do 10 reps of each exercise 2 – 3 times or put the timer on 40 sek
I promise that you will get a sore buttock. The best of luck to you!